Web accessibility in the twenty-first century must be understood in terms of social commitment, always paying special attention to the elimination of digital barriers. This increases productivity, website visitors and improves positioning.
Without question, during this century web accessibility will be the cornerstone of an inclusive and accessible online economy, ensuring economic re-activation and job creation, among other things.
Twenty-five years ago, the concept of web accessibility did not exist, yet significant advances in information technology and new channels of communication have set the standard, creating a new way of interacting with each other, consuming information, learning, working, having fun, and participating in society.
The rapid penetration and adaptability to new ways of living has made us the protagonists of the era of digital transformation.
The importance of web accessibility in the twenty-first century
We need to understand that web accessibility enables access to knowledge and information for all. It fosters equal opportunity and fairness; this is especially salient if we want to create more opportunities for personal and professional development. In addition, it favours social inclusion and the active participation of citizens in what we call the information society.
Web accessibility in the twenty-first century is a powerful tool in actively bridging the digital gap. That is why we need to promote this vigorously, as it is essential in the design of organisational and public policy strategies that seek greater connectivity via information and communications technology. This action is fundamental to technological and cultural development of society in the medium- to long-term.
We must be very clear on this, because promoting, developing, and applying web accessibility helps to:
By complying with the legal requirements established by the various web accessibility standards you will convey a more positive image of your brand, which in turn will make it easier for your company, institution or organisation to offer services or business models that are inclusive and innovative.
Web accessibility as a fundamental right
It is important to note that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities considers the concept of information found on accessible websites as a fundamental right.
It is important to mention that the implementation of web accessibility standards and regulations is essential, not only for people with disabilities, but for everybody else as well.
We would also like to mention that on 30 March 2007, the European Union ratified and signed this Convention and since then it has been signed by the 27 EU member countries.
Recall that the General Assembly of the United Nations has a number of guidelines to enable constant optimisation of web accessibility, bringing together the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), promoted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
These web accessibility guidelines benefit anyone who has a disability, be it permanent or temporary. This includes people who are experiencing reduced mobility, auditory impairment or impaired vision/blindness, as well as anyone requiring special adaptations owing to their age or limited environment.
Web accessibility in the twenty-first century and support for people with disabilities
It doesn’t take long to realise that the Internet is a part of everything we do. Everything that happens in the world is just a click away. But we still need to work on ensuring that the majority of the community is able to access the content made available on the Internet.
In this sense, we need to consider people with disabilities, who make up 15% of the world’s population. They represent a significant niche market with a potential for greater productivity, economic growth, and personal and professional development.
Therefore, it is of paramount importance that websites favour integration and inclusion of all people with disabilities, opening the door to full, barrier-free digital access and preventing discrimination of all types – but mainly discrimination associated to disability.
If we observe the benefits of web accessibility in the twenty-first century, we can see that the Internet represents one of the greatest sources of free information, which is why it must be made available to everyone.
Web accessibility is therefore a fundamental resource for:
Without a doubt, web accessibility in the twenty-first century has increased access to information which everyday improves the lives of people, and those with disabilities in particular.
Are you someone who sees web accessibility as an essential tool in sustainable development and social and economic growth? Is your website still not accessible? inSuit will provide you with the perfect solution based on the WCAG guidelines, and those of WCAG 2.1 in particular. This will help you become an agent of change while meeting accessibility regulations, and all this without altering your original website.
For more information contact us!