A tua empresa cumpre com a European Accessibility Act? Faça download da nossa guia e informa-te antes de que entre em vigor em junho de 2025!
A tua empresa cumpre com a European Accessibility Act? Faça download da nossa guia e informa-te antes de que entre em vigor em junho de 2025!
In order to comply with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, governing Information Society Services and E-commerce, general information about our company is given below:
Name or Registered Name: EVERYCODE, S.L.
Address: Calle Dr. Vicente Zaragozá 1- 2, CP 46020, Valencia.
Registration Information: Registro Mercantil de VALENCIA Tomo 9853, Libro 7135, Folio 100, Hoja V-161567, Inscripción 1
T.I.N.: B98657711
Telephone: 96 001 0158
Email: info@insuit.net
This Legal Notice is governed in each and every point by Spanish law; the parties expressly waive any other jurisdiction that they might have, submitting themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.
All of the content of this website, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, images, its design and the intellectual property rights over this content, as well as any trademarks, commercial names or any other distinctive signs are the property of EVERYCODE, S.L., which reserves all the rights over them.
Any total or partial reproduction of the content, by any means, be it mechanical, electronic, reprographic or other, as well as its dissemination, communication to the public or distribution is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from this company.
EVERYCODE, S.L. shall not be held liable for any loss or damage occurring as a result of the use of the content by users or any infringement of any legal provisions in force that may arise as a result.
EVERYCODE, S.L. is not responsible for links to external websites which may, where applicable, be included on the website, as they are not under our control. When visiting these links you are doing so under your own responsibility.
The information we collect by means of social media platforms may include personal information that is available online and available to the public. We always ensure that all the information we use has been correctly attributed to its source, or that it is anonymous.
These social media platforms may have their own privacy policies, which will explain how your personal information is used and shared. We recommend that you carefully review their privacy policies before using these social media platforms to be sure that you agree with the way your personal information is being collected and shared.
This company may change or delete at any time without prior notice the messages posted on this channel.
This company may follow other profiles found on this social media platform, without this in any way entailing that a relationship exists between them.
The use of a social media platform by this Company as a means to disseminate information does not entail its approval of the Privacy Policy of said platform.
This company does not disclose or share the personal information of users who access these platforms and has adopted all the appropriate security measures provided by the social media platform.