The Comité de Entidades Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad de la Comunidad Valenciana (CERMI CV) has incorporated inSuit into its web portal, as part of a collaborative agreement signed between both organisations.
CERMI CV is a platform for the representation, defence and action for citizens of the Valencian Region with disabilities and their families. Aware of their situation as a disadvantaged social group, and through their member organisations, they have joined forces to further awareness of their rights to become full citizens enjoying the same rights and opportunities as any other citizen. They represent more than 95% of the nearly 400,000 people affected by a disability in the Valencian Region, acting as a platform for consultation and proposals for a better quality of life and improved social well-being of this group of citizens.
One of the objectives of this collaborative agreement is the launch of workshops on the dissemination and training in the use of inSuit tools and universal accessibility among people with disabilities of the Valencian Region, in collaboration with Red Proyecto Social DiscapacidadTecnología(Disability Technology Social Project Network), which has previously worked with inSuit on these kinds of activities.