CENTAC – Centro Nacional de Tecnologías de la Accesibilidad (Spanish Centre for Accessibility Technology) has presented the prize money from the Queen Letizia Award for Accessibility Technology to inSuit. With the handing over of a mock cheque, the prize, which represents 50% of the award sum, was presented to inSuit as part of a ceremony held at CENTAC’s headquarters in Madrid.
“We are delighted to receive this prize and very grateful for the visibility it has given us, helping us partner up with the Spanish government and large companies,” said Juan Antonio Cebollada, who was on hand as representative of inSuit. He added that CENTAC was “necessary” as it helped companies specialising in accessibility technology to gain “greater visibility” and raise awareness about this market, which is becoming “increasingly important”.
Also in attendance was the Director of Strategy, Health and Social Services in Information Technology for El Corte Inglés, Miguel Ángel Montero Martínez; Innovation Director of the Vodafone Spain Foundation, Mari Satur Torre; and the Chief of Staff for the General Director of Red.es, Víctor Rodrigo Raya.
At the end of November, the award will be presented in person by Spain’s Queen Letizia, along with the winners from the other categories.