Social Technology Foundation and inSuit join forces to support universal website accessibility
25 June 2015
We are an Innovative SME (PYME innovadora) in web accessibility! At inSuit we’re big fans of the value of innovation in the provision of excellence and high-quality services, this, in addition to being fully aware of the primordial importance of fostering business models that stimulate the economic and social development of any country.
That is why we work hard to constantly ensure the sound running of the company’s areas of research, development and technology as it pertains to web accessibility. Our aim is to take the ideas emerging from this work to position ourselves as a company with an innovative range of products and services.
This work clearly offers a series of benefits that have a direct impact both internally and externally on companies that are able to identify the potential in these emerging ideas in order to put them at the service of their objectives.
One such benefit is the Innovative SME (PYME innovadora) seal awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and its recognition of companies carrying out activities in the field of research, technological development, and innovation. Or what we’d like to call R&D&i. And inSuit is one of them!
At inSuit we are extremely proud to be recognised in this way. This was the result of our enterprising attitude and the sum of fresh ideas that constantly emerge from our team, enabling us to keep abreast of the latest technological advances on the market.
Today, technology changes at an accelerated rate, shortening the life cycle of some products or services. That’s why we constantly monitor our products and make the necessary adjustments to ensure their effectiveness in the market for as long as possible.
Being open to change and innovation has allowed us to grow as a company, and at the same time, to offer effective and high-quality resources with our products and services within this dynamic environment and its constant demand for up-to-date technological solutions.
Such is the case with our newest update, which focuses on the different web accessibility demands indicated in the regulations that promote the use of Internet for all, namely Royal Decree 1112/2018.
Or the recent certifications obtained in connection with security, namely, the ENS and ISO 27001, which enable us to better guarantee the security of our platform and processes, while seeking continuous improvements in our controls of risks and threats to our projects and services.
The result? Today, inSuit has more than 9 million users who benefit from an innovative and high-quality web accessibility alternative. This not only contributes to web accessibility compliance, but also has a direct impact on the quality of life of the users that employ our tool.
Join the web accessibility movement. Remember that web accessibility is an essential tool in sustainable development and social and economic growth. Contact us and be an agent of change!
Come on, let’s go! With inSuit we innovate through a commitment to web accessibility to guarantee a barrier-free Internet. Request a demo and live the inSuit experience, and position yourself at the vanguard of web accessibility solutions.