COCEMFE Valencia makes its web accessible thanks to inSuit! We are pleased to announce that on 23 April inSuit signed a collaboration agreement with the Confederación Española de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica (Spanish Confederation of Persons with Physical and Organic Disabilities – COCEMFE) of Valencia. With the signing of this agreement, COCEMFE Valencia joins us in promoting the need for accessibility compliance among public administrative bodies, which are required by law to be aligned with web accessibility standards and guidelines.
This partnership means that COCEMFE Valencia will also have the opportunity to incorporate the inSuit accessibility tool into their website, eliminating any existing barriers to accessibility.
In so doing, COCEMFE Valencia has taken a step forward to ensuring its website is accessible to all users, regardless of their needs, enabling them to get the vital information that every day is made available to people with disabilities and their families who visit the organisation’s website.
By signing this collaboration agreement, it is clear that for both inSuit and COCEMFE Valencia, it is of great importance for users to be able to access information and content in a simple and clear manner on its website. Why is this? Because this is the information that has a direct impact on the quality of life of its users.
For us, it’s cause for celebration that these barriers hindering users from accessing such information are a thing of the past. We are talking about relevant information pertaining to: aid offered by public and private organisations, employment and training opportunities, information about accessibility, healthcare, and education that combats the digital divide.
Federation president Pascual Castelló and inSuit CCO Juan Antonio Cebollada both firmly believe in the need to promote digital accessibility among public administrations, and how to drive transformation by fulfilling the various requirements arising from web accessibility regulations set forth in Royal Decree 1112/2018; the goal being to create a Web for all.
It is gratifying to be able to promote, with the help of COCEMFE Valencia, inSuit as a web accessibility tool that guarantees access to web content and services, reducing barriers to accessibility that exclude key groups such as people with disabilities, the elderly, and people with reduced digital skills.
Thus, COCEMFE Valencia joins our roster of organisations and institutions supporting web accessibility, which, along with COCEMFE CV and COCEMFE Alicante, now boast inSuit services on their websites and collaborate closely with us.
For inSuit it is an honour but also an example of our commitment to be able to collaborate with a like-minded organisation that fights for the rights of people with disabilities. This partnership will help us promote web accessibility legislation among public administrations that requires compliance with web accessibility standards and guidelines. Once again, unity is strength, and the more of us that are involved in this endeavour means that more government and public service websites will be able to ensure access to information and services to all users.
This partnership has made it possible for us to provide another organisation website with an accessibility solution that is feasible, reliable, and fully guaranteed. Another website that allows users to navigate freely using an interface that adapts to their needs, from any computer, free of charge. A solution that also offers them a choice in keyboard mode, as well as in the use of voice commands, sounds, push buttons, or augmentative communication, and to do so in a simple manner.
And all this, while complying with the regulatory requirements and recommendations that will guarantee that the website or mobile app can be classified as accessible.
Is your website prepared to meet web accessibility standards and guidelines? If the answer is no, or if you have any questions about it, do not hesitate to contact us!